The purpose of the American Truck Historical Society (ATHS) Australian Chapter is to bring people with similar aims and interests in trucks the trucking industry and its history together.
The Australian Chapter was formed to bring together the Overseas and Australian members of the ATHS for the exchange of information regarding the restoration of trucks and the history of the trucking industry in Australia.
A bi-monthly newsletter (THE GEARCHANGE) with articles and photographs is sent to all Financial Members.
We have regular truck displays and truck runs (trips) around the country. More than often, other clubs with similar interests come along to these shows to support “Perserving the past for the future” of trucks and the trucking industry.
The ATHS is an international organization, with over 21,000 members in the United States, Australia, Canada, and 20 other countries worldwide.
The ATHS logo was designed to bring together several elements that pertain to the trucking industry.
- The shield represents a blend of the Federal and State highway markers.
- The wheel symbolizes the momentum of a great industry.
- The bold stripes signify the open road.
- The colours mirror those of our country’s flag in red, white and blue. * From the website